Unknown Impostors

Unknown Impostors 1.2.1


Among us mod that fixes some game breaking bugs when tryharding among us. As well as some useful settings


  • Impostors don't know each other
  • Impostors can kill each other
  • Impostors are impacted by lights sabotage (it can be individually customized in the lobby settings)
  • The module can be disabled from a lobby command, and will be automatically disabled if the host doesn't have the mod installed
  • Allow you to change map and impostor count from the game lobby (Thx @Galster)

Technical stuff​

This mod has been made using Reactor modding framework, based on BepInEx, it patches the game at runtime and DOES NOT modify any game files.

  • Support Among us v2020.12.9s (Steam only)


All players should have the mod install for the best user experience

  • Download the lastest release.
  • Extract the files into Among us game folder (steam/steamapps/common/Among us)
  • This should look like this looklikethis
  • Run the game from steam

Installation side note​

If you want to install Reactor by yourself, please follow the BepInEx installation instruction, then Reactor's ones. And then copy the plugin dll (from releases) into Among us/BepInEx/plugins If you want to play on official servers, you should then disable custom handshake option from: Among us/BepInEx/config/gg.reactor.api.cfg


If you want to uninstall this mod only, remove the dll Among us/BepInEx/plugins/AmongUsUnknownImpostors-2020.12.9s.dll.

If you want to disable it, you can temporarily rename or remove the file Among us/winhttp.dll

If you want to completely uninstall Reactor/BepInEx, remove the following files and folders

+-- BepInEx
+-- mono
+-- changelog.txt
+-- doorstop_config.ini
+-- winhttp.dll


You have encountered a bug or unexpected behaviour ? You want to suggest or add a new feature ? Create an Issue or PR !


This mod depends on another module which simplify lobby options (add to menu, sync settings and save settings individually with customisable display)

Creating PR​

Licensing & Credits​

AmongUsUnknownImpostors is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full License.

Credits to @Galster for custom lobby settings

Third-party libraries:


Discord: Herysia#4293​

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Reactions: Mxnority
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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Watch out, Impostors got mad and start killing everyone!

What ya doing step bro?