Town Of Imposters

Town Of Imposters v2.0.8 (v2021.6.15s)

Among Us Town Of Imposters

Original author : AJMix

*Note this only works with others who have installed the mod also, aka your friends.*​

Town Of Impostors Mod is an Among Us modification for PC/Windows. This mod aims to add new roles, abilities & options to enhance the gameplay. It also aims to add a lot of customisation options for you to customise and play games your way. It can also be used in public servers.
C - Crewmates
N - Neutral
I - Imposter
M - Modifier
General Custom Options​
  • Custom Role Eject Confirmation: Enables ejects to show the special role of the player being ejected, assuming "Confirm Ejects" option is on
  • Same Roles Know Each Other: Allows players of the same role to see each other (via highlighted names)
  • Comms Sabotage Causes Anonymity: Improves the Comms Sabotage to turn everyone anonymous
  • Ghosts Use Crewmate Vision: Ghosts will no longer have ghost vision (where they can see everything), they will now instead use normal crewmate vision. Impostors are unaffected. This option is recommended if there is a Doctor in the game
  • Impostors Can Kill Each Other: Allows Impostors to target and kill each other

Imposter Abilities
The Impostor has additional abilities they can make use of:​
  • Drag & Drop Bodies: Impostors can drag around and drop dead bodies to reposition them. They may also drag bodies through vents.
  • Dispose Bodies: Impostors can dispose a body they are dragging if they are close to a vent or inside the vents. But when bodies are disposed, a bloodstain is left behind on the vent to give crewmates a clue.
  • Disguise: Impostors can disguise as another player for set duration. They must first sample the DNA of a player by being nearby the player.
  • Decoy: Impostors can drop a decoy, much like the Trickster, to confuse players and trick the Sheriff. They can also drop a decoy of another player by first Disguising as that player
  • Swap: Impostors can swap positions with their decoy, much like the Trickster, to avoid danger or cover more ground quicker
Custom Settings​
  • Drag And Drop Ability: Toggle the Drag and Drop Ability
  • Disguise Ability: Toggle the Disguise Ability
  • Disguise Cooldown: Cooldown for the Disguise Ability
  • Disguise Duration: How long the Disguise lasts for in seconds
  • Dispose Body Ability: Toggle the Dispose Body Ability
  • Dispose Body Cooldown: Cooldown for the Dispose Body Ability
  • Enable Decoy Ability: Toggle the Decoy Ability for Impostors
  • Decoy Cooldown: Cooldown for the Decoy ability
  • Decoy Duration: Duration for how long the Decoy will last
  • Enable Decoy Swap Ability: Toggle the Decoy Swap Ability for Impostors
  • Decoy Swap Cooldown: Cooldown for the Decoy Swap Ability
  • Enable Impostor Messaging: Toggle on/off Impostor Comms. Impostor Comms allows Impostors to chat to each other in-game via the chat messaging system, outside of meetings
  • Can Vent With Body: Toggle whether the Impostor can vent with bodies

Sheriff (C)
The Sheriff is a role that has the ability to kill Impostors. However, if they attempt to kill a fellow crewmate, they will lose their own life instead as a punishment.

Custom Settings​
  • % Sheriff Chance: Chance of a Sheriff being added to the role selection pool​
  • # Max Sheriff Count: The maximum number of Sheriffs that can be added to the role selection pool​
  • Sheriff Kill Cooldown: Kill cooldown for the Sheriff​
  • Show Sheriff: Shows the Sheriff to other players (via a highlighted name)​
  • Innocent Target Also Dies: The Innocent target will also be killed along with the Sheriff​
  • Jester Is Enemy: Jester will no longer count as "Innocent"​
  • Arsonist Is Enemy: Arsonist will no longer count as "Innocent"​

Doctor (C)
The Doctor is a role that has the ability to revive dead players. However, this means they are also able to revive Impostors that have been killed by the Sheriff.

Custom Settings​
  • % Doctor Chance: Chance of a Doctor being added to the role selection pool​
  • # Max Doctor Count: The maximum number of Doctors that can be added to the role selection pool​
  • Doctor Revive Cooldown: Cooldown for the Doctor Revive Ability​
  • Doctor Revive Time: The time is takes for a Doctor to successfully revive a player​
  • Start Cooldown On Failed Revives: Start Revive Ability Cooldown if revive fails (if body is removed or disposed)​
  • Medbay Revive Only: Only allow revives in the Medbay location of a map​
  • Arsonist Is Enemy: Crewmates with special roles lose their role if revived (Does not affect Jester & Arsonist)​

Jester (N)
The Jester is a role with no abilities and no tasks to do (they get fake tasks like Impostors). They are in their own team, and their goal is to get themselves ejected from the ship and make sure not to get killed by the Impostors. They will win instantly if ejected from the ship. However, if they are killed, they will have no way to win and essentially lose.

Custom Settings​
  • % Jester Chance: Chance of a Jester being added to the role selection pool​
  • Enable Jester: Allow Jester to be added to the role selection pool​
  • Jester Can Fix Sabotages: Allow Jester to fix sabotages​
  • Jester Wins From Sheriff Kill: Jester will win if killed by the Sheriff​

Agent (C)
The Agent is a powerful role that has abilities allowing them to access map intel from anywhere. This includes the admin table map, security cameras, door logs and vitals if any are accessible. This gives them much more information on what is going on around the map, but they shouldn't neglect their tasks either.

Custom Settings​
  • % Agent Chance: Chance of a Agent being added to the role selection pool​
  • # Max Agent Count: The maximum number of Agents that can be added to the role selection pool​
  • Agent Tech Cooldown: The cooldown of Agent's abilities (the cooldowns are separate between the abilities, but they will all have the same cooldown time)​
  • Can Use Admin Map: Agent can activate Admin Map​
  • Can Use Cameras: Agent can activate Cameras (Skeld and Polus Only)
  • Can Use Door Logs: Agent can activate Door Logs (MIRA HQ Only)
  • Can Use Vitals: Agent can activate Vitals (Polus Only)

Detective (C)
The Detective is a role that can see footprints and get extra information when reporting bodies (They will get a body report in chat only they can see, which shows time of death and if the body was moved or not). They should use this ability to track down Impostors, but they should also be careful not to frame the wrong person.

Custom Settings​
  • % Detective Chance: Chance of a Detective being added to the role selection pool​
  • # Max Detective Count: The maximum number of Detectives that can be added to the role selection pool​
  • Footprint Duration: How long the footprints will last in seconds​
  • Anonymous Footprints: Whether the footprints should be anonymous or not​
  • Extra Information On Report: If Detective reports a body, they will get an additional "Body Report" via messages (which only they can see). Shows how long the player has been dead for, as well as whether the body has been moved or not​
  • Killers Leave Bloody Prints: Killers (includes both Sheriffs & Impostors) will leave bloody footprints after a kill​
  • Bloody Prints Duration: Duration for how long Killers should have bloody footprints for​

Plumber (C)
The Plumber is a role that can use vents to travel around. They can also stay in vents to observe the room. But they should be careful not to be suspected as the Impostor or noticed by the Impostor.

Custom Settings​
  • % Plumber Chance: Chance of a Plumber being added to the role selection pool​
  • # Max Plumber Count: The maximum number of Plumbers that can be added to the role selection pool​

Arsonist (N)
The Arsonist is a role that aims to douse everyone alive and igniting them all to win alone. They need to do this before the Crewmate Team wins by finding all the Impostors. They have no tasks (they get fake tasks like Impostors), but should be careful not to be suspected as they have to say close for the duration of time they are dousing. They should also be careful not to be killed by the Impostor.

Custom Settings​
  • % Informant Chance: Chance of a Informant being added to the role selection pool​
  • # Max Informant Count: The maximum number of Informants that can be added to the role selection pool​
  • Impostors Are Notified: Toggles whether Impostors will be notified and also have the Informant revealed to them​
  • Tasks Left When Impostors Notified: How many tasks left for the Informant before Impostors are notified about them​
  • Show Arrows (Informants And Impostors): Show arrows pointing to Informants/Impostors if either have been revealed. These can only be seen by Informants or Impostors depending on options that are enabled​
  • See Jester After Tasks: Toggles whether Informants can see Jesters after tasks​
  • See Arsonists After Tasks: Toggles whether Informants can see Arsonists after tasks​
  • See Crewmate Roles After Tasks: Toggles whether Informants can see Crewmate special roles (if any) after tasks​
  • Highlight Names In Meetings: Toggles whether names are highlighted in meetings too (for Informants & Impostors)

Informant (C)
The Informant is a role that can see other roles after they are finished with ALL their tasks. They will be "Informed" after finishing tasks, but should also be careful of Impostors that are notified about them. The Informant can only be informed or revealed after completing at least one task.

Custom Settings​
  • % Informant Chance: Chance of a Informant being added to the role selection pool​
  • # Max Informant Count: The maximum number of Informants that can be added to the role selection pool​
  • Impostors Are Notified: Toggles whether Impostors will be notified and also have the Informant revealed to them​
  • Tasks Left When Impostors Notified: How many tasks left for the Informant before Impostors are notified about them​
  • Show Arrows (Informants And Impostors): Show arrows pointing to Informants/Impostors if either have been revealed. These can only be seen by Informants or Impostors depending on options that are enabled​
  • See Jester After Tasks: Toggles whether Informants can see Jesters after tasks​
  • See Arsonists After Tasks: Toggles whether Informants can see Arsonists after tasks​
  • See Crewmate Roles After Tasks: Toggles whether Informants can see Crewmate special roles (if any) after tasks​
  • Highlight Names In Meetings: Toggles whether names are highlighted in meetings too (for Informants & Impostors)

Trickster (C)
The Trickster is a role that can create a decoy to trick the Impostor. If the Impostor kills the decoy, they will go into kill cooldown which will slow them down. However, the Sheriff is also able to kill decoys. The Trickster may also swap positions with their decoys to avoid danger or cover more ground quicker.

Custom Settings​
  • % Trickster Chance: Chance of a Trickster being added to the role selection pool
  • # Max Trickster Count: The maximum number of Tricksters that can be added to the role selection pool
  • Trickster Decoy Cooldown: Cooldown duration for the Trickster Decoy ability
  • Trickster Decoy Duration: Duration of how long the decoy should last
  • Enable Trickster Swap Ability: Allow Trickster to swap positions with the decoy
  • Trickster Swap Cooldown: Cooldown duration for the Trickster Swap ability

Operative (C)
The Operative is a role that can place down gadgets that allow them to track other players. A sticky tracker can be placed down that'll stick to other players and reveal them for the duration. An AOE sensor can be placed down to reveal players in an area (revealed players will be anonymous) for a duration. All revealed players will be shown on the map. The Operative gadgets are only visible to the Operative.

Mayor (C)
The Mayor is a role that gets additional votes they can use to influence the results of a meeting. They are able to store votes each meeting and can add votes to any player in the meeting (or skip vote) at any time, as long as they have not locked in their final vote. They should use this if they want to force someone to be voted out or force a skip vote. But they should be careful not to reveal themselves too early.

Lovers (M)
This activates the Lovers modifier. Two players are selected as random to be lovers (if applicable).
Impostors can also be selected as Lovers. Jesters & Arsonists cannot be selected as Lovers. There can not be more than 1 Impostor Lover.
Lovers can still get their own special roles, and can still win as normal with their respective teams.
However, the Lovers can achieve a special "Lovers Win". The goal of the Lovers is to stay alive together and win together at the end. Lovers will achieve the special Lovers Win if they are both among the last 3 players standing. The only exception to this is if the custom option Game Continues With Arsonist is toggled on and the Arsonist is among the last 3.
The game will continue as long as the Arsonist is alive.
Lovers are given the ability to chat with each other via a special Lovers Chat in-between meetings.​

If separate Impostor Roles are enabled:

Tier 1 Impostors:​

Dragger has the drag/drop & dispose body abilities
Morphling has the sample & disguise abilities

Deceiver has the decoy & swap abilities

Tier 2 Impostors:​

Hitman has the combined abilities of Dragger and Morphling
Joker has the combined abilities of Morphling and Deceiver
Any Impostor without a special Impostor role will be a normal vanilla Impostor
Impostor Role abilities are configured with the same options used to configure the normal Impostor

How does role assignment work?
The role selection works as follows: For each role, it will take the count and attempt to add that to the selection pool X number of times, where X is the maximum count. The chance of the role being added to the selection pool each time is based on the percentage chance set in the custom options for the specified role.

Once the selection pool is filled, the roles in there will then be randomly assigned to Crewmates (who are not already Impostors). As long as there are roles in the pool to assign, the role selection will assign them out. If there are no more roles to be assigned out, the remaining players will just stay as normal Crewmates.

Example: Sheriffs - # Max Count: 3 - % Chance: 50 This means that the role selection will try to put 3 sheriffs into the pool, at 50% chance each time. So the pool can end up with 0, 1, 2 or even the maximum of 3 Sheriffs.​

Streamer Mode

From 1.7.1 onwards, there is a new streamer mode that can be toggled on.
This makes it easier for streamers as they won't have to manually hide the code anymore on stream, it will be hidden automatically.​

How do I get the room code?

When you create a room, the room code will be copied to your clipboard. Simply paste it somewhere and pass it onto others.
If you accidentally copied something else before pasting the room code somewhere, you can get your copy/clipboard history by using Windows Key + V.
Or you can just make another room.​

Custom Hats

Check it out here


Town Of Imposters Tutorial by Sloppy Gaming (Download File at the top of this page).

Skip to 3:25 for installation.​
  • Download the Mod for your specific game version. You are not able to launch the game if the versions do not match.​
  • Extract the contents into your Among Us directory.​
  • Make sure to launch the game via Among Us.exe
  • Please note that the first time launching the game with this mod may take a while​
When updating from version to version, settings can bug and cause unintended effects. This is due to how new custom settings are being added in each update. If you are getting strange bugs occurring with the settings, try manually settings everything again (to overwrite the saved settings on your computer) by manually toggling options on and off, setting timers and settings counts. You can also do a hard reset by running vanilla among us and creating a lobby, then reopening among us with this mod.
Starting from v1.5.0 onwards, there is a new reset custom settings button in the lobby. Please use it if your settings are bugged. Settings can bug when you update from version to version, it's best practice to reset settings.
Starting from v1.6.0 onwards, this mod should now be compatible with Mod Manager by MatuxGG. Please note that using the Mod Manager to install the mod still does not guarantee that the mod will work as intended.

Verifying installation success
  • Launch the game via Among Us.exe​
  • In the top-left corner, below Among Us version, you should see Town Of Impostors vX.X.X Mod by AJMix
  • If you don't see this message please take a look at the troubleshooting section.​
How It should look after Installing


To uninstall​

Remove the files below from your Among Us Directory




  • Fixed major game breaking bugs with voting
  • Fixed issue with bodies disappearing if player dies while dragging a body through vent
  • Fixed potential issues with trickster disguised decoy
  • Various small bug fixes and optimisations


  • Mayor Role
  • Map Randomisation Game Mode
  • Brought back "dlekS ehT" map
  • Hat Pages to store more custom hats
  • Arsonist can now douse players in vents
  • Optional hat name modifiers for hats to display better in menu __ (example _0.0f_0.1f)
  • Sheriff kill timer will start at 10 seconds, matching Impostors
  • Impostors inside of vents can now kill Plumbers & Jesters inside of vents
  • Moved "Can Vent With Body" to General Options
  • Trickster Disguise Ability
  • Hitman & Joker Impostor Roles
  • Fixed bug associated with disguise & start meeting
  • Fixed color name bug
  • Fixed Impostors setting names as red in messages even with Impostors Do Not Know Each Other option
  • Fixed desyncs with dispose body
  • Fixed Streamer Mode
  • Implemented Host Checks for Sheriff & Impostor kills to prevent kill desyncs (this will introduce host advantage and delay to kills if you're not the host, but this fixes all desyncs on kills)
  • Fixed gamebreaking bugs with impostors kills
  • Fixed bug with lover death not removing disguise
  • Compatibilities with Reactor & Reactor.Essentials
  • Impostor Retrieve Body Ability
  • Plumber Retrieve Body Ability
  • Doctor Retrieve Body Ability
  • Jester Retrieve Body Ability
  • [Custom Option] Vents Hold Multiple Bodies
  • [Custom Option] Imps Can Kill Inside Vents
  • Massive optimisations
  • Various other null ref and bug fixes


  • Separate Impostor roles (Dragger, Morphling, Deceiver)
  • Custom Hats can now match Crewmate color with _anycolor modifier
  • More custom hats from community
  • Fixed issue with Lover getting stuck in Airship
  • Name fixes (fixed issue with host role being revealed sometimes)
  • Fixed issues with colours of certain hats messing up in ladder climb in airship
  • Fixed issues with people seeing Lover's chat
  • Bug fixes and polishes
  • [Custom Option] Dead Player See All Roles
  • [Custom Option] Sheriff Does Not Die
  • [Custom Option] Imps Do Not Know Each Other


  • Bunch of awesome custom hats from the community
  • Operative Role
  • More colours to select from
  • Improved Naming/Role, colorblind-friendly
  • Save/Load Settings Button In Lobby
  • Fixed game breaking bugs with custom colours
  • Fixed Text: Lovers Wins -> Lovers Win
  • Fixed specific hats not working with Decoys
  • Impostors can now use destroy decoy, disguise and dispose body again in vents (Sorry for breaking this before)
  • Fixed an issue with "Impostors Can Kill Each Other" somehow causing infinite disguise
  • Fixed a small issue with some hats & disguise
  • Fixed issue with agent cams ability broken on airship
  • Fixed an issue with arsonist continuing douse even while dead
  • Fixed sabotage comms anonymity not working on decoys
  • Fixed an issue where player's hats would appear for a frame while anonymous when climbing ladders/performing a kill
  • [Custom Option] Jester Bloody Footprints
  • [Custom Option] Jester Body Drag
  • [Custom Option] Jester Can Use Vents


  • Compatibility with 2021.3.31.3s
  • CUSTOM HATS! (See instructions on how this works at the top)
  • Streamer Mode (See instructions on how this works at the top)
  • Fixed role selection not properly randomising player list (host always got a role no matter what)
  • Bloodstains on vents should now properly disappear after meetings
  • Detective footprints now properly disappear after they lose their role from revives)
  • Fixed ghost crewmate vision that broke in the latest version
  • Made Informant arrows bigger
  • Fixed issue with disguise revealing impostors before meetings
  • Fixed role description text not appearing properly
  • Fixed a bug that caused infinite duration for some abilities
  • Fixed agent abilities being broken in some maps
  • [Modifier] Lover Modifier
  • [Custom Option] Disguised Footprints: Toggles whether Disguised Impostors leave Disguised Footprints
  • [Custom Option] Agent Abilities Share Cooldown: Toggles whether all Agent abilities should go into cooldown when using one ability
  • [Custom Option] Game Continues With Arsonist: Toggles whether the game continues if Arsonist is still alive
  • [Custom Option] Disable Body Report: Toggles whether body reports are enabled or not


  • Compatibility with 2021.3.31.3s
  • Compatibilities with Airship
  • Trickster Role
  • Impostor Decoy Abilities (Like Trickster)
  • Lobby Role Summary for Chances and Count
  • Lobby Improvements (Role Bookmarks)
  • Colorblind Friendly Updates
  • Fixed bugs with Impostor Comms
  • Dousing & Reviving now show progress bars instead
  • Fixed bugs with dead bodies using wrong colours on Comms Sabotage
  • Fixed some buttons resetting CDs on opening windows
  • Fixed issue with toggle buttons blocking scrolling/clickable anywhere (don't know why Innersloth made it like this)
  • Various bug fixes & optimisations


  • Informant role​
  • Doctor Medbay only fix for Polus​
  • DNA Sample button improved​
  • Mod Manager (by MatuxGG)/Reactor.Essentials compatibility​
  • Fixed disguising-pet-vent bug​
  • Custom Option: Crewmate Ghosts Use Crewmate Vision​
  • Percentage Chance for Roles​
  • New 1,2,3,4.. Keybinds for Abilities​
  • Arsonist better end visuals​
  • Custom Option for killers to leave bloody footprints for detective​
  • Custom Option to allow Impostors to kill each other​
  • Custom Option for Arsonist to refuel​
  • Custom Option for Jester to win from Sheriff Kill​
  • Custom Option for Doctor Revive to remove Crewmate special role​
  • Custom Option to change whether Impostor can vent with body or not​
  • Custom Option for Doctor Revive Time​
  • Fixed bug with Detective seeing Impostor colour footprints despite being disguised​
  • Fixed bug with Pets reappearing during comms sabotage after meeting​
  • Fixed bug with buttons being used in meetings​
  • Balance Fix: Custom Buttons cooldowns no longer continue going down during meetings​
  • Removed CUSTOM server option (please look into Unify by MoltenMods)​
  • Various null fixes​
  • Optimizations​


  • Impostor Drag & Drop Body Ability toggle​
  • Arsonist Role​
  • Plumber Role​
  • Detective Role​
  • Doctor Drag & Drop Body Ability​
  • Doctor Option: Med-bay revives only​
  • Impostor Comms​
  • Comms sabotage causes anonymity​
  • Jester Victory Screen Fix​
  • Dead bodies won't play kill animation on vent exit​
  • You can now sample DNA from dead bodies​
  • Fake tasks for Jester & Arsonist​
  • Role description in task list​
  • Reset custom settings button in lobby​
  • Updated role selection process​
  • Dispose Bodies leave bloodsplat​
  • Button bug fixes​
  • Anonymous Votes resetting fix​
  • Various null fixes​
  • Optimizations​


  • Agent Role​
  • Fixed settings resetting bug​
  • Added CUSTOM server option​
  • Sheriff custom kill button sprite​
  • Option for same roles to know each other​
  • Option for Sheriff to kill non-impostors​
  • Sheriff Kill CD changes​
  • Various null fixes​
  • Compatibility with v2021.3.5s​
  • Updated custom options to be more clean & clear​
  • New ability to cycle through options HUD display​
  • Jester role​
  • Fixed issue with Sheriff being able to kill through walls​
  • Fixed detection through walls for other abilities​
  • Fixed issue with dragging body sometimes not rendering on top of ground​
  • Various null fixes​
  • Fixed Sheriff being able to kill Impostor in vent​
  • Disguise should now work properly with pets​
  • Several other null bugs​
  • Fixed taskbar not updating and removing "you are dead" line when revived​
  • Fixed bug with Sheriff not being able to kill Impostor​
  • Several null pointer bugfixes​
  • Initial Release​

Contact & Donations


Discord: AJMix#1111
Email: [email protected]


Twitter: itsAJMix
Youtube: AJMix


Donate with PayPal button

All donations are appreciated and will go towards the development of mods.​
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from SiriHack

Latest updates

  1. Town Of Impostors 2.0.8 (v2021.6.15s)

    Release v2.0.8 for Among Us version v2021.6.15s
  2. Town Of Impostors 2.0.7 (v2021.6.15s)

    Release v2.0.7 for Among Us version v2021.6.15s
  3. Town Of Impostors 2.0.6 (v2021.5.10s)

    Release v2.0.6 for Among Us version v2021.5.10s

Latest reviews

cool mod it has many new roles and impostor now can morph
Ikr, Morphing is super fun!
That's a hell good mod. Huge amount of fun and time spended on it. It won't get bored. That's epic.