Anonymous Impostors

Anonymous Impostors 1.3

Original author : Wunax

Anonymous Impostors Mod​

Anonymous Impostors is a mod for Among Us that allows to make impostors anonymous to each other. Therefore impostors can accidentally kill each other.
The mod also adds a option to force imposters to win solo.


  1. Download the latest build of BepInEx Unity IL2CPP for Windows x86machines available here.
  2. Download the latest version of the mod available here.
  3. Optionnal: Create a backup of your Among Us game folder (Steam\steamapps\common\Among Us). This backup is only useful if there is a problem in the steam installation directory of Among us, do not put the mod in this folder.
  4. Extract the content of the BepInEx Unity IL2CPP archive to your Among Us game folder (where your Among Us.exe is located).
  5. Extract the content of the mod archive to your Among Us game folder (where your Among Us.exe is located).
  6. Start your game as usual.


In the lobby the host can enable anonymous impostors with the command /anonymous on|off in the chat or directly in the lobby settings.
The option to force impostors to win solo is available with the command /soloimpostors on|off or also in the lobby settings (Note: This option does not work if anonymous impostors are not enabled).
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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