The Other Roles

The Other Roles 4.7.0

Version 2.6.3

  • Changed the role limits options to allow for minimum and maximum bounds
  • Changed the role assignment to be more random when assigning roles (previously assigned the neutral roles before assigning the crewmate roles)
  • Added new flip option to Custom Hats
Version 2.6.2

  • The Other Roles now supports the new Among Us version 2021.5.10s
  • Added a chat command to kick players as the host of a lobby (/kick playerName)
  • Fixed a bug where the Sheriff was unable to kill the Arsonist
  • Fixed a bug in the role assignment system
  • Added the option to select the Dleks map
  • Improved the overlay of the Arsonist
Version 2.5.1

  • New Hats: We added the support for custom hats and there are already a few hats inside the game. We can add new hats without updating the mod and we're awaiting your hat designs on our discord server.
  • Changed Lovers to ignore Lover's Tasks for Taskwin, while an ImpLover is alive
  • Fixed a bug where garlic was not visible in some places
  • The Security Guard can't place cameras on MiraHQ anymore
  • Fixed a bug on there Airship, where the view of the cameras that the Security Guard placed wasn't centered on the camera.
Version 2.1.0
  • New Role: Spy
  • Eraser: The Eraser can now also remove the role of other Impostors. This enables him to reveal the Spy, but might result in removing the special ability of his partner.
  • Camouflager: The Child age/size will now also be hidden, to allow the Child Impostor to kill during camouflage
Hotfix 2.0.1
  • Fixed a bug where camouflaged players would get stuck on ladders/platforms on the airship
  • Introduced a one second cooldown after the Morphling sampled another player
  • The Child can now always reach all usables (ladders, tasks, ...)
  • We removed a bug, where some footprints remained on the ground forever
  • We removed a bug, where the Detective didn't see the right color type when reporting a player
  • We changed the Jester win and Child lose conditions, they're not being affected by server delays anymore
Changes in 2.0.0
  • New button art created by Bavari
  • New mod updater/installer tool created by Narua and Jolle. Check the Installation section for more details.
  • Custom options: Introduced customizable presets. Starting with 2.0.0, settings can be copied and used with higher versions (2.0.0).
  • Time Master rework: Check Time Master for more information
  • Medic: The Medic report changed, it only shows the time since death (see Detective)
  • Detective: The Detective now sees the name/color type of the killer when he reports a dead body (ability moved from the Medic to the Detective)
  • Lighter: We changed and tried to nerf the Lighter, see the Lighter section for more details.
  • Seer: As the role didn't work the way it was, we completely changed it. We're still working on the role, for now we're trying a few things. Check the Seer section to get more details about the new Seer.
  • Shifter: We reworked the Shifter, he is now part of the crew. Check out the Shifter sections for more details.
  • Hacker: The Hacker is basically the old Spy. We added the option to only show the color type instead of the color on the admin table.
  • Camouflager: Now also overrides the information of other roles, check the Camouflager section for more details.
  • Morphling: Now also overrides the information of other roles, check the Morphling section for more details
  • Child: The Child can now be a Crewmate Child or an Impostor Child, check the Child section for more details
  • Eraser: The Eraser, a new Impostor role, is now part of the mod. Check the Eraser section for more details
  • New options:
    • You can now set the maximum number of meetings in a game: Every player still only has one meeting. The Mayor can always use his meeting (even if the maximum number of meetings was reached). Impostor/Jackal meetings also count.
Hotfix 1.8.2
  • Add map and impostor count to lobby settings.
  • Fixed bugs where changing players to be the Sidekick didn't reset all the effects of their previous role.
Hotfix 1.8.1 Resolves bugs that occured when the Jackal recruited a Medic, Swapper and Tracker
  • New Roles: Added the Jackal and Sidekick roles
  • Vampire: Medic report shows the right info now. A bitten Swapper is not able to swap if he dies at the beginning of a meeting. One can now set the cooldown and whether a normal kill is possible when a target is next to a garlic or not.
  • Lover: New option that sets how often an ImpLover appears. If a Lover is exiled, his partner doesn't spawn a dead body anymore.
  • Cooldowns now stop cooling down, if a player sits inside a vent.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the game from continuing after a meeting (for an edge case with Lovers)
  • If two players try to kill each other at the same time both should die (e.g. Sheriff vs Impostor)
  • We added a description for your current role right above the task list
  • Added a description for the Role Assignment System
Changes in v1.7:
  • New Roles: The Vampire, the Tracker and the Snitch are now in the game
  • The role assignment system has been changed
  • Impostors now see a blue outline around all vents of the map, if the Engineer sits inside one of them
  • This update is a small hotfix, fixing the bug where some people were unable to join lobbies.
  • The child can't be voted out anymore before it turns 18, hence games can't end anymore because the child died.
  • Footprints are no longer visible to the Detective, if players are inside vents.
  • Time Master - Buff: He is not affected by his rewind anymore, which gives him more utility. Players will now be rewinded out of vents.
  • Child - Nerf: The child now grows up (see child) and becomes a normal crewmate at some point. A growing child is not killable anymore. Some tasks are still not doable for the small child, we are working on that. But eventually when growing up it can do all the tasks as it's size increases.
  • Seer - Nerf: Added an option that sets how often the Seer mistakes the player for another.
  • Spy - Nerf: The Spy now only sees the additional information when he activates his "Spy mode". That should stops the spy from camping the admin table/vitals.
  • Other: Camouflager/Morphling cooldowns were fixed. Some minor bugfixes with the Shifter/Time Master/Vents and some other stuff