Update 4.1.2
=> Settings
- (Cultist) (See modification / Balancing)
- (General) "Role List Visible" Yes/No - Allows you to display the list of roles and their proc rate on the right of the screen in game.
=> Modification / Balancing:
- (Cultist) Addition of a setting "- Fail convert die" allows to choose if the cultist dies during the next meeting if he failed a conversion or if the cooldown only triggers.
- (Cultist) The cultist can now convert Mercenaries / CopyCats if the latter are not on the impostor side, so it is possible in certain situations to have an imposter member of the cult.
- (Cultist & Teammate) When the cultist converts a Teammate, he will no longer see the info of the 2nd Teammate, this does not affect the unconverted Teammate
- (Sheriff) The sheriff will no longer kill the Mercenary and the CopyCat if they are still in the crewmate camp.
- (Barghest) player movement speed reduced by 74% (down from 80%) when using shadow.
=> Bug fixes:
- (Sheriff) It is no longer possible to kill a Mystic under a shield or a player protected by a shield if the latter is a member of the cult, the sheriff will commit suicide.
- (Sheriff) Assassin under shield can no longer be killed.
- (Vandal) Bugfix display of nickname in meeting
- (Barghest) When the barghest is killed if its shadow ability is active, the latter is immediately cancelled.
- (Scrambler) The scrambler's movement speed is correctly reduced while using shadows.
- (Scrambler) When the Scrambler is killed if its shadow ability is active, the latter is immediately cancelled.
- (Cultist) The display of cult members is displayed correctly in meetings.
- (Cultist) Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the cultist role to be displayed in-game.
- (Slayer) The slayer can Kill normally if he is the only impostor in play.
- (Teammate) Fixed a role assignment bug that sometimes considered one of the 2 Teammates as "dead" or as another role.
- (Spirit) Spirit no longer bugs players (black screen) if exile ends the game with an impostor victory.
Update 4.1.1
=> Settings
- Setting are updated for assassin update (see below)
=> Assassin Update :
- The assassin has new bonuses if he kills a player:
- Builder : Assassin can vent
- Mayor & Dictator : The assassin sees the colors of the votes.
- Sentinel, Spy & Nightwatche : Assassin's vision is increased
- Detective : The ability of the detective becomes a passive on the assassin
- Informant : The assassin sees player info (roles / task / buff).
- Mentalist : The ability (Admin Table) of the Mentalist becomes a passive on the assassin.
- Some bonuses have been removed :
- Mercenary (kill cooldows reduced by 50%)
- Jester (kill cooldows doubled)
- Sorcerer (kill cooldows reduced by 100%)
- It is now possible to activate or not in the settings the bonus abilities granted to the assassin for each role.
- The Guardian's Shield property no longer affects the Assassin's Shield (Shield Setting), the Assassin will no longer commit suicide this way.
=> Bug fixes:
- (Teammate) The Task counter is correctly reset between each game.
- (Teammate) The nicknames and info of the 2 Teammate's are displayed correctly in game and in meetings.
- (Sentinel) Role texts are correctly displayed in game and on the start of game screen.
- (Sheriff+Assassin) If the assassin is Shield (Self Shield) the Sheriff commits suicide instead of killing the assassin.
- (CopyCat+Assassin) When the CopyCat copies a role and the assassin kills the player, he no longer inherits the role, the latter returns in priority to the CopyCat, If the assassin then kills the CopyCat the copier role is recovered !
- (Settings) Hints have been changed and no longer block the game from starting in certain situations where it can't.
Update 4.1.0
=> Customer
The interface has been updated.
Credits have been updated.
=> Settings
Settings are updated for new roles (see below)
=> New roles:
Sentinel "Crewmate" role has been added. (information available below)
Teammate "Crewmate" role has been added. (information available below)
=> Sentinel Role (Crewmate):
- The Sentinel can scan the map to retrieve information. By scanning the map, she will know if a person is in a ventor if a person is dead! The ability does not track which player is dead or who is in the vent.
Settings :
Scan Cooldown: 10s~180s
Scan Duration: 1s ~ 20s
Scan Invent player: Yes / No
Scan Dead Player: Yes / No
=> Teammate role (Crewmate):
- The Teammate is a Crewmate role which is given to 2 players randomly at the start of the game. The Teammates know each other and know that they are on the same side!
=> Bug fixes:
- (Target) Sometimes, when a player tries to kill another player and a 3rd player was within kill range but closer and than the other target, and if one of the two players could not be killed ( example shield / Other impostors...) the action of Kill was therefore sent back to the other player nearest killable without taking into account the properties of the latter. The following potential bugs could be caused:
(Mystic) Could be killed even with his shield.
(Guardian) The protected player could be killed even with his shield.
(CopyCat) The kill player assign the wrong role.
- (Dictator) The Dictator now works correctly, regardless of the number of voters.
- (CopyCat) The Kill button activates correctly when the copycat becomes Impostors
=> Custom Hats:
The Skin "Genshin:Monster" was added in Normal.
The Skin "Genshin:Traveler" was added in Normal.
The Skin "Genshin

aimon" was added in Normal.
The Skin "Arcane: Heimer" was added in Normal.
The "Arcane:Vi" Skin was added to Normal.
The "Arcane: Jinx" Skin was added in Normal.
Update 4.0.0
=> Customer
The intro music has been updated.
The interface has been updated.
The Ranked interface (MatuxMod) is pending.
The login interface is moved to the main menu and Play.
Several Sprites (Abilities/Menu button) are Changed (By Asman)
=> Settings
Settings are updated for new roles (see below)
A new role category has been added: "Hybrid".
=> Task
The maximum number of tasks has been increased from 10 to 15.
It is now possible to choose from 0 to 5 short Task.
It is now possible to choose from 0 to 5 Common Task.
It is now possible to choose from 0 to 5 Long Task.
=> New roles:
The "Hybrid" CopyCat role has been added. (information available below)
The "Crewmate" Dictator role has been added. (information available below)
The "Crewmate" Builder role has been added. (information available below)
=> Role Builder (Crewmate):
The Builder can lock Vents (1~3) max per game, it is possible to limit the use to 1x / turn,
when he clicks on his ability in front of a Vent, the Vent will then be "pre-locked" (only the Builder sees the pre-locked Vent).
The Vent will be permanently locked after a meeting and everyone will see the lock. When a Vent is locked it is impossible to enter/exit but it is always possible to cross it and get killed through it!
=> Dictator Role (Crewmate):
The dictator has a double-edged ability, when it is active, the skip button is no longer available and players who do not vote vote themselves, so the dictator forces people to vote and kill someone one or to tie (only chance not to kill!) The ability of the dictator can be configured in 3 ways: (passive: The power is active as long as the dictator is alive), (Round: As long as he is alive, The dictator has the choice to activate or not his power each round), (Single: Same as Round, but the ability is for single use!) It is also possible to make the ability unavailable for the first round !
=> CopyCat role (Hybrid):
* The copycat selects another player, when the player dies the CopyCat recovers its role! Attention, it is impossible to copy the "Specials/Impostors" roles. If the CopyCat copies an Impostor: it is possible to set several options = 1 the CopyCat commits suicide, 2 - the CopyCat copies the impostor (he becomes a normal impostor) 3 - the CopyCat becomes a Sheriff!
4 - The CopyCat becomes a Crewmate, same thing if trying to copy a special (without the option to become an impostor)
* Details in case of copy of Roles =>
- Sheriff: Kill cooldown is reset
- Engineer: The copycat will be able to Vent the cooldown and the number of possible repairs is reset even if the engineer has already used the ability!
- Guardian: When the guardian dies, If he used the shield, the protected player remains protected the Copycat will see who was protected and will keep the shield active, if the ability has not been used the copycat can then shield a player .
- Hunter: The ability will be available for the copycat and he can re-track another player!
- Mystic: The cooldown is reset, if the Mystic dies in the first round (example hunter) the immunity of the first round will also be transmitted!
- TimeLord: The cooldown is reset.
- Spirit: The ability to lock doors is transmitted, If the spirit is killed during a meeting,
(and therefore allow) the ability will not be passed! Immunity to exile is also transmitted in the event of a kill in game.
- Spy: The capacity is transmitted but if the Spy has to use its power the CopyCat will have to wait for the next round.
- nightwatch: The cooldown is reset.
- Detective: The cooldown is reset.
- Mayor: The capacity of Votes x2 is transmitted, the Bonus Buzz is transmitted, If the mayor has already used the Copycat will have a new one!
- Informant: to use the ability the copycat will have to complete these tasks! If the informant has already analyzed a player,
the copycat will be able to see the player even if he has not yet finished his own task! If the ability is one-time use and the informant has already used their ability
, the copycat can reuse the ability a second time!
- Mentalist: The 2 capacities are transmitted, If the mentalist has already used his admin vision, the copycat will be able to use it again!
- Bait: The self-report ability is transmitted to the copycat!
- Builder: If the builder dies, the copycat will have to wait 1 meeting to start using Vent saddle,
The copycat will get as much sellable Vent as the Builder can get regardless of how many last to use, so it's possible to lock x6 max Vent this way.
- Dictator: The ability is transmitted, if it is single-use the Copycat can reuse it again!
- Crewmates: Become a simple crewmate.
- Mercenary: If the mercenary kills (see "impostor") otherwise (see "Crewmates")
- Impostors: The copycat commits suicide, or becomes a new impostor (classic) or crewmate or Sheriff depending on the settings.
- All Special Roles: The copycat commits suicide, or becomes a crewmate or Sheriff depending on the settings.
=> Modification and Balancing:
* (Guesser) New roles have been added to the list of guessable players!
* (Assassin) If the CopyCat copies a player, the assassin will not steal the player's ability, he will have to kill the CopyCat to get the ability back.
* (Barghest) The Vent (Sprite) of the Barghest has been modified.
* (Mercenary) The Mercenary is no longer a "Specialized" role and becomes a "Hybrid" role.
* (Admin table) Player icon is now white with blue visor.
* (Mentalist) When the mentalist activates his ability, the visor of living players appears in purple to be distinguished from dead players.
=> Bug fixes:
* (Engineer) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (Spy) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (Mentalist) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (TimeLord) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (Mayor) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (Nightwatcher) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (Mystic) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (Barghest) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (Ghost) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (Scrambler) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (Morphling) It is no longer possible to activate the ability if a task or a survey is active.
* (EndGame) The Endgame table is displayed better (some bugs persist and remain to be identified)
Update 3.2.2 - Added content
=> Changes:
(Spirit) Added a new ability to spirit, it is now possible to sabotage (doors only) as a spirit, the ability can be configured: Disabled, Enabled or Enabled only when the player is dead.
=> Lobby / Launch of the game:
• A feature to block the launch of the Game if the settings contain errors has been added:
• If a player has a version of the game that is incompatible with the lobby creator's version.
• If there aren't enough players.
• If the Number of impostor roles is greater than the number of possible imposters.
• If the number of Cremate + Special roles exceeds the number of possible non-impostor players in the game.
• If the total of assigned roles exceeds the number of players in the game.
=> Modification of the role assignment algorithm:
The role assignment algorithm has been redone:
• 3 New parameters allowing to choose the maximum number of roles to assign to players have been added!
• The roles are now calculated differently: each proc role with its individual % chance is then added to a list of potential roles, then the chosen roles are drawn from the list and distributed to the players according to the settings and the roles chosen.
Example if you want 3 roles among 5 potentials you can put the 5 to 100% for an equivalent random between 5 roles, or put 3 to 100% and 2 to 50% for example to have 3 minimum assured roles and 2 who can to replace.
The roles are therefore no longer imposed by a proc order.
Update 3.2.1 - Bug fix, Content addition
=> New role:
- The role "Impostor" Guesser has been added. (information available below)
=> Guesser role (Impostor):
- The Guesser is an impostor who has the ability to kill during the meeting if he finds the role of the targeted player! (Inspired by the Town of Us Assassin) If you make a mistake, the Guesser dies! it is possible to limit the number of possible kills this way and limit its use to 1x per meeting.
=> Bug fixes:
- (BetterTask) The size is asteroid in better task disabled when reduced to normal size.
- (Cultist): The cultist no longer dies at the first buzz between 2 games (the failed conversion is synchronized and properly reset between each Games)
- Informant: Win display bug (the player no longer appears on the screen)
- (Cupid / Lovers): In both lover die mode: No, The lovers no longer die if one of the lovers is exile / vote
- (Cupid / Lovers): The cupid / lovers no longer win if there is 1 lover / 2 alive!
- (Spy): The spy button appears on the first turn normally if the player has the role 2x in a row.
- (Mentalist): The button appears correctly if the player has the role 2x in a row.
- (Morphling): The morphing ability is reset well at the start of the game.
- (Hunter): Fixed the Task counter not resetting between 2 games.
- (Informer): The ability is now displayed correctly when tasks are completed.
- (Informant): The Cultist & these members are correctly displayed (red) if a member was tested before it was converted it remains blue the color only updates when the player is "tester".
- (Mayor): In TaskEnd Mode, the ability is now displayed correctly when tasks are completed.
- (Cultist) The "Cultist" is now written as "Cultist"
- (Sheriff) The "Sheriff" is now written "Sheriff"
- (Impostors) The text of the Impostors and are well displayed in the EndGame.
- (Vandal) Vandal's vision text is displayed with the correct player nickname in the EndGame screen.
- (Impostors) Impostors and Impostors roles are displayed in the correct color (red) in the EndGame screen instead of White.
=> Custom Hats:
The "Horror: Unk" Skin was added on Normal.
The "Horror: HPocus" Skin has been added to Normal.
Update 3.2.0 - Bug fix, Content addition
- The OST and the Start screen are updated.
=> Player Calculation Algorithm
- A new formula was added to modify the RPC.Endgame
=> EndGame
- The end game screen has been redone as well as the victory conditions.
- The Eater can now win with the Cupid / Lovers if he is in love
- The Cult can now win with the Cupid / Lovers if the Cultist or a cult member is in love.
- The victory of Cupid and lovers is now additional with the classic victory, which allows impo to win in crewmate victory or vice versa if the conditions of victory of the lovers are respected.
=> Settings
The settings were modified to add the new role: Cultist (see below)
The settings have been modified to add the new Functionality of Betters Maps (see below)
Added a settings for the Sherif: Can Kill Culte Member
=> FakeTask
- FakeTask were added on the Jester to replace the old clearTask system.
- FakeTask have been added to the Cupid to replace the old clearTask system.
- FakeTask were added to the Eater to replace the old clearTask system.
- FakeTask have been added to the Sorcerer to replace the old clearTask system.
- FakeTask have been added to the Cultist.
=> New roles:
The Cultist "Neutral" role has been added. (information available below)
=> Cultist Role:
- Cultist aims to convert other innocent players into cult members, If cultist attempts to convert impostor, Mercenary, Jester, Eater or Sorcerer, conversion fails, are cooldown is reset, then it will be dead at the start of the next meeting.
- To win the Cult team (cultist + members) must be numerically superior to other players!
- Settings: it is possible to set the number of possible convertion (1 ~ 2) and the cooldown between 2 conversion (10 ~ 60) seconds.
- When a player is converted they will see who the other cult members and the cultist are!
- Converted players retain their role in addition to the cult member statue!
=> Bettermaps
Addition of the "Polus Map" function: It is now possible to choose between Polus Normal, BetterPolus v1 By BryBry or BetterPolus v2 By Lunastellia.
Added "Polus Skeld" function: It is now possible to choose between Skeld Normal or BetterSkeld By Lunastellia.
=> BetterTask
- The BetterTask function was added to the settings, it allows to improve the existing Task to make them more difficult / long.
- The following BetterTask are currently available: Weapon / Wires.
=> Quest System:
- Impostor Quests have been removed from the name display.
=> Bug fixes:
- (TimeLord) Dead players are no longer affected by the power of the Timelord.
- (Eater) Fixed values displayed on the eater for their Quest. (body to eat and body to eat to gain)
- (Mercenary) Fixed the bugs which caused that when the mercenary killed by the power of the hunter or a cupid he was changed into an impostor even if he had not killed.
=> Balancing
- (Slayer) The Slayer can now at the choice of the players, Use the classic Kill if he is the last living impostor in the game.
(Sherif) Added kill range modifier (see settings)
=> CustomHats:
- The "Horror: PennyWise" Skin has been added to Normal.
- The "Horror: Jiggsaw" Skin has been added on Normal.
- The "Horror: Alien" Skin has been added to Normal.
Update 3.1.0 - Bug fix, Content addition
=> Interface
x5 New buttons have been implemented to replace the menu on the first game screen.
Dead players now see the Utilities status (admin / camera / vitals).
Dead players now see the number of alive players in the game.
Dead players now see the number of crewmates alive in the game.
Dead players now see the number of impostors alive in the game.
Dead players now see the number of special role players alive in the game.
several Sprites were added for new features.
Several audio files were added for the new features.
Dead players can use the "-" numeric keypad to zoom out the map.
Dead players can use the "+" numeric keypad to zoom out the map.
=> Player Calculation Algorithm
A new feature that calculates the number of players present in the game, their roles and their status (impostor / dead ...) to be added to allow the new additions to work.
=> Settings
The settings were modified to add the new role: Vandal (see below)
The settings were modified to add the new Tryhard functionality (see below)
Added a settings for the classic Slayer: Kill if he is the only impostor in the game
Added the possibility to modify the range of the kill of sheriffs independently of that of impostors.
Added 2 new staves for Sheriff "Contact" = 50% of "Short" & "Sniper" = 200% of "Long".
=> New roles:
The role "Impostor" Vandal has been added. (information available below)
=> Vandal role (Impostor):
Info = The Vandal only works on polus for the moment, it will be available during the next update on the other maps.
Winning condition: With the impostors.
Special ability: The Vandal must collect Energy to disperse randomly on the map, once 100% of Energy accumulate the vandal can create an overload which will have the consequence of permanently deactivating the cameras; then he will be able to collect Energy again, this time to deactivate Admin, then again to deactivate Vitales.
It is possible to change the charge speed (x1 x2 or x3) and Energy spawn rate x1 ~ 30!
The Vandal has a bar that gradually fills to indicate the amount of Energy currently.
The Vandal has a display panel indicating which Utilities it has to disable.
=> Tryhard
Added the function "Disable Cameras, until the death of (1 ~ 8) players!"
Added function "Deactivate Admin Table, until death of (1 ~ 8) players!"
Added the function "Disable Vitales, until the death of (1 ~ 8) players!"
=> Quest System:
A quest was added for the Vandal (0 ~ 100%) active charge
A quest indicates the number of impostors alive in the game (for the dead and the impostors).
=> Bug fixes:
The main menu that was not visible is now correctly displayed in the foreground.
Textual bug fixes in settings
(TimeLord) Fixed the Vent bug, Now players inside the Vents will properly block before and after the effect!
(TimeLord) Fixed the bug that sometimes made players invisible during timeBreak if they were in a Vent .
Fixed Advice settings not displaying correctly.
Fixed the Check version not showing up.
Correction of the values of the Eater which was not counted as a "Special" role.
=> Balancing
(Slayer) The Slayer can now choose to use the classic Kill if he is the last living impostor in the game.
(Sherif) Added kill range modifier (see settings)
=> CustomHats:
The "Horror: Scream" Skin was added as a shader.